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Ned's Cozy Fireplace

11/23/2023 - Ned's Cozy Fireplace

On November 23rd, 2023, the band released a 10-hour video full of relaxing tunes. This video features Ned sitting by a fireplace while numerous lo-fi versions of Twenty One Pilots songs play in the background.

In the scenario, a bookshelf can be seen. On one of the shelves, a few books are arranged in a 2-2-9 pattern - two books, a gap, two books, another gap, then nine books. This would hint towards the band's return on the 29th of February (2/29), 2024, when the single Overcompensate would be released.

Alt text: Books on a bookshelf creating a 2-2-9 pattern.

On one of the walls, a few notes taped to the wall can be seen - a sketch of the Sai symbol, a sketch of the neon gravestones seen throughout Dema, a tree (the same tree that often gets featured as a visual for the band while playing the song "Trees" live) and a note from a Ned.

Though simple, this note suggests that one of the Ned creatures from "The Outside" music video had talked with the bishop Keons prior to Clancy's arrival on the island - an event Keons knew in advance that would happen.

Alt text: Paper notes with sketches and writing taped on the wall.

Transcript of the note


saw clncy n torch berer jus like keons sed

hope you ar well
