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What is is a website domain officially created and hosted by the band Twenty One Pilots and mainly used as an online conceptual teaser for their 2018 album "Trench" as well as a transmedia storytelling platform for their subsequent projects. It features a cryptic background story and important lore information that would be later referenced in the songs, visuals and music videos of the band's upcoming albums, starting with the Trench era.

The domain was first discovered by the fanbase on April 21st, 2018, during the band’s hiatus between the albums Blurryface and Trench through a link hidden inside the Twenty One Pilots’ official merch store website. The original link led to an exclusive 404 error page, telling the viewer that “they’re in violation” and “no one should know about this” while showing a violation code.

When pasted correctly into the URL of the website, the violation code grants access to a new page – the "main" website. It contains journals and images telling the story of Clancy, an afflicted fictional character living inside a circular city loomed by huge walls and ruled by nine bishops – the Sacred Municipality of Dema.

As the website updated throughout the months and more content was added to its lore, Clancy’s struggles with Dema became visible and a plan to escape the city came true. But after getting lost in the unknown wilderness of Trench, Clancy grew weary and anxious, ending up being retrieved back to Dema by his bishop Keons. This misadventure, however, would mark only the beginning of Clancy's journey towards freedom from the walls of Dema.